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Archangel Michael Daily Invocation

pray Jul 19, 2024

Dear Archangel Michael,

Remove all attachments from me, all negative energy forms, all negative thought forms, all heavy energy forms.

All intruders and mischief makers, all astral forces and dominants, all small demons and large demons, including succubus and incubus.

All living humans who try to steal my energy, or do me any other harm, find all humans in Spirit who are lost around me, and take them Home.

Remove all threads and bindings, all cords and ties, all chains and devices of any kind, all curses and hexes on any level.

And all karmic patterns that are 'self-defeating, and karmic links that are no longer needed.

Return me to my perfect energy now, please.I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, by the power of three, the perfect trinity, it is done. It is done. It is done.


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