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So, What is Spiritual Warfare?

pray spirituality Sep 18, 2024



So, what is spiritual warfare?

Spiritual warfare is the ongoing, often unseen, battle between forces of light (good, divine, love) and darkness (evil, chaos, fear).

Think of a good angel and the devil on your shoulder.

It affects the spiritual realm, our thoughts, emotions, and physical reality.

It is not simply an internal struggle of self-doubt or guilt but an active confrontation with forces that seek to hinder your growth and purpose.

These forces can be subtle, like negative thoughts, or more obvious, like toxic people, relationships, or environments that drain your energy and shift you away from your divine path.

Why does this matter though?

The importance of spiritual warfare lies in its impact on every aspect of your life—your emotional well-being, relationships, purpose, and connection with the divine. 

When you engage in spiritual warfare, you become more conscious of the influences around you and can make intentional choices to align with light, truth, and love. 

It's about maintaining spiritual vigilance to protect your soul and ensure that your actions, thoughts, and emotions reflect your divine purpose.

The Battle Between Light and Dark Forces

Eternal Struggle

The concept of an eternal struggle between light and darkness has existed for millennia.

Think of the Star Wars Series. That series was channeled and accurately depicts Earth's history.

This battle represents the conflict between positive, divine forces that promote growth, harmony, and love and negative forces that seek to disrupt, confuse, and destroy. 

Light Represents Purity

Clarity, truth, and divine order, while darkness is associated with deception, ignorance, and chaos.

This battle isn’t only cosmic or external but happens within us every day through our choices, thoughts, and behaviors. 

Acknowledging this eternal struggle helps us understand that our challenges and growth are connected to a larger, universal story of light overcoming darkness.

Manifestation in Everyday Life

Spiritual warfare is not just about supernatural forces; it plays out in your everyday life.

When you face moral dilemmas, temptations, or societal challenges, you are experiencing this battle.

It can show up as fear preventing you from taking risks, societal pressures or programming pulling you away from your true path (think corporateville vs. art, healing, etc.), or unhealthy habits (think sugar, alcohol, shopping, etc.) keeping you stuck.

Recognizing these moments as part of the larger struggle between light and darkness empowers you to make conscious choices that FEEL RIGHT and align with love and truth.

Listen to the still small voice.

Each time you make a decision, overcome negativity, self-doubt, or temptation; you are playing an active role in the victory of light over darkness.

Your Job

Personal Responsibility

As a spiritual warrior, you protect your energy, maintain your connection with the divine, and stand firm in your truth.

Your role is not passive but proactive.

You can't unsee something once you've seen it. Now that you do know about it, it's your job to remain vigilant in recognizing negative forces, whether they appear as limiting beliefs, negative emotions, or external influences.

Spiritual warfare requires you to take ownership of your decisions, actions, and spiritual health and to cultivate daily practices that keep you grounded, aligned, and empowered.

This includes daily protection, prayer, and positive affirmations to guard against negativity and darkness.

Your strength comes from your faith, love, and commitment to truth, no matter what challenges arise.

Empowerment and Purpose

Understanding your role gives you a sense of empowerment and purpose.

You are not just a bystander in the cosmic battle of light and darkness—you are an active participant.

Every decision you make, every thought you entertain, and every action you take contributes to the outcome.

This awareness elevates your life’s purpose, reminding you that you are here for more than just mundane tasks.

You are here to be a beacon of light, a defender of truth, and an embodiment of divine love.

This sense of purpose can transform how you approach daily challenges as you recognize that each victory over negativity brings you closer to fulfilling your mission and helps the rest of humanity too.


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